Warfare Prayer Collection


 "... the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent are taking it by force." (Matthew 11:12)
Christians who are unfamiliar with Spiritual Warfare will find the prayers on this page...umm unusual at best and ...that's okay. A few years ago, there was an expression that was often used to describe anything that was atypical, unusual, or avant garde. The expression began with "These aren't your daddy's..." followed by whatever the unusual thing was. So in that spirit, I want to say "These aren't your daddy's bedtime prayers!" Those who are born again, or have received the Baptism in the Holy Spirit have God-given authority to take the battle to the "enemy". By the "enemy" we are talking about Satan and his dark kingdom. Keep this in mind as you peruse the following collection of Spiritual Warfare prayers used by members of the "Army of God", who also go by the name "Prayer Warriors" as well as those experiencing oppression by the enemy. Generally speaking, those who need these prayers know it, as do those who don't. Many of these militant prayers are directed towards demons, and not God, so they are spoken with authority and out loud for best results. Additionally, the short prayers are to be recited three times in succession for maximum effect. If reciting these prayers do not produce the desired result, precede them with an Authority Prayer to put the devil "under your feet".


1.) In the name of Jesus, I return every fiery dart and every attack of the enemy back to the sender and I bind it to them with the blood of Jesus!


2) Father in heaven, please dispatch your angels to locate, retrieve, and restore all virtue stolen from me and release judgment upon those responsible according to Your will. I ask this through Jesus Christ.


3.) Heavenly Father, please release sufficient legions of Your holy giant warrior angels armed with swords of Holy Spirit fire to attack, bind, and destroy every tactic of the Devil, seen and unseen, known and unknown, and have those angels spring every trap the Devil has set for me today. I ask this through Jesus Christ.


4.) Heavely Father, please create a ring of Holy Spirit fire and a strong Hedge of Protection that surrounds me on every side and follows me wherever I go today, and I ask You to be the glory in my midst. I ask this through Your Son Jesus Christ.
5.) Prayer to Refuse Authority of Demons:
I refuse all authority of evil spirits over me: their right to me, their claims upon me, their power in me, and their influence in or upon me, in the name of Jesus Christ.
6.) I cover myself with the Blood of Jesus from the top of my head to the soles of my feet in Jesus' name.


7.) The Armor of God: I put on the full Armor of God according to Ephesians Chapter 6. I put on my Helmet of Salvation, my Breastplate of Righteousness, my Belt of Truth, my Sandals of the Gospel of Peace, my Sword of the Spirit, and my Shield of Faith in Jesus' name.


8.) In the name of Jesus, I bind and forbid all forms of retaliation, backlash, vengeance, or attacks upon myself and every part of me, known and unknown, and in any realm.


9.) I break every assignment, I break every strategy, and I break every plan of the enemy by the Blood of Jesus with POWER. And I command every demonic & familiar spirit to leave me now in Jesus' name.


10.) I take my Sword of the Spirit and divide soul and spirit, and sever all hooks & tentacles, cords, chains, bindings, ley lines and anything keeping me bound to any ungodly soul ties, mind binding and mind blinding spirits, octopus & squid and any other spirit that is not of God, and I command you to leave me now and go to the pit in Jesus' name.


11.) Short-form Self-Deliverance Prayer: I come against every spirit of (insert names of spirits here) in me, on me, or around me from my position in Christ in the highest heaven, and I bind you, gag you, reject you, renounce you, rebuke you, divorce you. I break all your contracts, covenants, agreements, rights, claims and assignments. I command you to repair all damage done and restore anything stolen back to its proper place. I break your power over me and I command you to leave me NOW and go to the pit, never to return in Jesus' name.


12.) I command every spirit preventing me from receiving God's grace, love and power to leave me NOW in Jesus' name.


13.) Satan, I bind you and all of your legions off of every part of my being to include my conscious, unconscious, and subconscious mind, my body, soul and spirit, my intellect, will and emotions, my memories, thoughts and imagination, my dreams, virtues, and sexuality, my gifts & destiny, career & fnances, property & possessions, family & friends, and all parts of me known & unknown and in any realm for a season in Jesus' name.


14.) In the name of Jesus, I break the seals around me, including Satanic seals, and the consecrations upon me. (recite 3x)
And I command all evil spirits associated with these seals and consecrations to go immediately and directly to the foot of the cross. O most Holy Spirit, enter into the empty spaces left by these evil spirits and fill all with your presence, love, and protection. Please do not allow these evil spirits to return.


15.) I ask you Jesus, to bind in your most precious blood any and all evil curses, pacts, spells, seals, hexes, vexes, triggers, trances, vows, demonic blessings, or any other demonic bondages sent against myself, my family, and all of my posessions; I ask you to bind them all and break them! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


16.) I ask you Heavenly Father for Your Cloak of Protection, through Your Son Jesus Christ, for myself, (insert any additional names here) and I release that cloak upon us now in Jesus' name.


17.) Heavenly Father, please send forth Your ministering & warrior angels before me to extinguish the fury of my enemies, nullify all their actions, and prepare the way for me that is free from attacks and revilement. I ask this through Jesus Christ.


18.) I command every fiery dart to be removed from every part of my body right now, in Jesus' name.


19.) I cover the floor, the walls, the ceiling, the air, and everything in this room with the blood of Jesus, in Jesus' name.


20.) Atomic Bomb Warfare Prayer: In the name of Jesus, I bind all principalities and powers, evil forces in this world, and evil spiritual forces in high places. I loose the powers of God; warring angels, ministering angels, the Holy Spirit, the 7-Fold Spirit of God, (Optional: The Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Michael and the Archangels) and all the hosts of heaven, according to God's will. I bind every force of evil, and loose every force of good that I have the power and authority to do so, in Jesus' name.


21.) I declare that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow, in heaven, on earth, and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God in Jesus' name.