Unbound Deliverance
The Unbound Deliverance model was created by Neal Lozano, and has been around since 2003. It has been described as a "non-confrontational deliverance model" or "soft exorcism" in that it does not involve direct confrontation with demons. This model focuses on the person, and not on evil spirits. There are no questionnaires to fill out other than the initial short intake form. During an Unbound session, the person will be led in an "interview" by the leader in which they will be asked to describe problem areas in their lives they wish to have addressed, as well as being asked about other things known to be common "door-openers" to the "enemy". The leader will take notes during the interview and then lead the person to forgive and/or renounce, break soul ties, etc. as deemed necessary. This is a good choice for those who feel uncomfortable thinking about evil spirits. The act of simply asking God for forgiveness and renouncing the emotions (which are actually names of evil spirits) encountered during negative events in a person's past effectively cancels rights/claims of the evil spirits and frequently causes some to leave on their own without being commanded to do so by the leader. The only direct engagement with the spirits occurs when the person themselves state just one time towards the end of the session, "In the name of Jesus, I command all evil spirits that I have renounced to leave me."


A person requesting to receive Unbound Deliverance is required to first read the book "Unbound: A Practical Guide To Deliverance" by Neal Lozano, available at your book store or eBook provider.
This is an entry-level deliverance model for those who wish to cancel rights the "enemy" may have to torment them. They accept on faith that once a demon's rights have been removed, they will come out on their own after being commanded to do so by the person, which frequently occurs. Neal Lozano, the creator of the Unbound model emphasizes that, "While this is an effective form of deliverance which can free a person from bondages, there will be instances where stronger measures may be called for."
For more information on Unbound Deliverance visit: