Self Inner-Healing is an easy, effective and permanent way to heal those deep emotional wounds that can resurface at any time in your life when they are "triggered" by a particular situation, circumstance, something somebody says or does, certain sights, smells, sounds, words, etc. A good indicator that you have an emotional wound that needs to be healed is when you become aware of a behavior pattern that occurs whenever certain things happen in your life. For example, you may be having a perfectly normal day when someone either says something or does something that sends your emotions into over-drive. You over-react to a stimulus that anyone else would be able to handle in a more graceful or appropriate manner. Situations where others would respond with emotions at a level of 2 (on a scale from 1 to 10) cause your emotions to react at a level of 6 or 7 (on a scale of 1 to 10). The expression, "Making a mountain out of a molehill" can be applied here. The situation has "triggered" an exaggerated emotional response due to a long-forgotten traumatic event that may have occured many years ago (even in early childhood), that has never been healed. The instructions below will guide you through the process for healing such emotional wounds. They can also be used to heal "known" traumatic events that you have clear recall of from your past. In such cases, skip steps 1 through 4 below and start at step 5.
If you would like to have someone walk you through the process and teach you how it's done, or if you have some deep hurts that do not respond to Self Inner-Healing, contact us to schedule an Inner-Healing session so we can deal with those deep emotional wounds and get them healed for good. Just click on the "Contact Us!" link at the bottom of the page and request an Inner-Healing session. There is no charge for anything we do here. We are supported entirely by your kind donations.
Self Inner-Healing Instructions:
1. Pay careful attention to your emotions.
2. When you experience an elevated emotional response, take notice of events that are triggering that emotion.
3. Afterwards, determine if the circumstances warrant that high of an emotional response, or if you are over-reacting.
4. If you determine that you are over-reacting, this is a strong indicator that there may be an emotional wound that needs to be healed.
5. Remember as many details of the triggering event as possible…place, people, words spoken, and sensory details.
6. When you get home or to a quiet, peaceful place, say “I divide soul and spirit,” then take yourself (in your mind) back to the event that triggered the over-reaction. Use the event details in your memory to trigger that adverse emotion. REALLY GO THERE in your mind and let the emotions come up again.
7. At this point, say out-loud, “Jesus, please come and heal this part of me, and remove all the triggers.”
8. Jesus will come and either take the emotion, or heal the wound by speaking to you. When you feel the emotion lift or hear His words, the wound is healed, permanently.
9. After the wound is healed, say, “I command all the demons on that wound to go to the pit, in Jesus’ name!”
NOTE: You will know the wound has been healed when you can remember the event, just like you would remember any other event, but the negative emotions that previously accompanied that memory are gone.
Give thanks to God!