Desert Deliverance
Intake Questionnaire

Please fill in the blanks or check the boxes for any items that apply to you, then click the SUBMIT button when finished.

(Red asterisk indicates required response)

First Name *
Last Name *
E-mail *
Empty *
How did you hear about Desert Deliverance? *
How familiar are you with deliverance ministry? Watched any videos? Who's? *
Are you currently attending church services on a regular basis? *
If yes, what denomination? *

Have you had any of the following? Please select all that apply.


Do you have a relationship with mature Christian friends, or a small group that can help you continue to grow after receiving ministry?

Have you received deliverance prayer before? If yes, did you feel free? *
Briefly, what is going on in your life that has brought you here today? *
Are you involved in ongoing secular (non-religious) counseling or therapy? If yes, please explain. *

Are you currently receiving ministry from a healing/deliverance minister, or your pastor?


Please select the option that best applies to you.

Please add any additional comments that you feel may be helpful.