Inner-Healing, also known as "Healing of Memories", "Deep-Level Healing", "Prayer Counseling", or "healing your inner child" is a technique used to heal the effects of past traumatic events in one's life. Many of us have experienced in our past, times when we felt overwhelmed by circumstances out of our control. Situations in which our emotions and senses were overloaded to the point where we just kind of "checked out" for a while until the trauma had passed. We may not even fully remember what happened. These events often occur when we are very young when our coping skills are not yet fully developed. However, they can occur at any age during episodes of intense emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, violent events, serious accidents, intense emotional hurts, etc. Sometimes those whom we admire or who have authority over us can say reckless, deeply hurtful things to us that deeply injure us emotionally. Anyone who has experienced traumatic events that hurt so deeply that it took days, weeks, months, or years for them to get over is a good candidate for Inner-Healing. Traumatic events such as these fundamentally change the way we think about ourselves and how we interpret the world around us. We may think we have gotten over these "big hurts" but we really haven't. 


Inner-healing has been shown to be effective in the treatment of Disossiative Identity Disorder (DID), Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), Depression, Manic Depression, Bi-Polar & Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) to name a few.


During an Inner-Healing session the person is asked to recall traumatic events from their past. The leader will ask for specific details of the event and then use those details to lead the person to "re-live" that event. At the moment of maximum emotional intensity the leader will call Jesus to come and stop the hurt, speak to the person, and heal them.


 I highly recommend Inner-Healing for anyone who has experienced traumatic events in their lives so those memories, and the negative effects of those events, can be healed, enabling the person to come to know the full length, width, height , and depth of the love that God the Father has for them. Inner-Healing is an important component of any deliverance program and enables the person to acheive a much greater degree of freedom than can be achieved by deliverance alone!