Included below are a few basic tools for you to keep in your “Spiritual Warfare Toolbox”. These short prayers may be recited up to 3 times in succession for maximun effect.
NOTE: When you see "IJN" it means "In Jesus' name"
When the enemy tries to introduce lies into your mind you can say, "I renounce the lie that (say the lie) IJN." OPTIONAL: And I bind you off of my thoughts now IJN"
When the enemy tries to introduce temptation into your mind you can say...
"I come against the demon that's trying to make me (say what he's trying to make you think, say, or do). I bring these ungodly thoughts under subjection IJN." OPTIONAL: "And I bind you off of my thoughts IJN."
"Holy Spirit please release your Holy Spirit fire over every cell in my body and burn to ashes anything that is not of God, right now IJN." (Imagine your body being engulfed in Holy Spirit fire!)
When the enemy tries to introduce shame or guilt or other tormenting thoughts over a sin that you have never repented for say, "I repent for (name the sin) IJN.
When the enemy tries to introduce shame or guilt over a sin that has already been repented for say, "You're a liar demon. That sin has been forgiven. I plead the blood of Jesus over my sins and bind you off my thoughts IJN."
If you are hearing voices in your head you can say…
“I command every demonic voice in my head to be silenced now IJN”.
When the enemy is reminding you of hurtful things specific people have done to you in the past you can say, "I forgive (person's name) and I bless them IJN"
This is a good prayer to be repeated throughout the day to torment (repel, weaken) the demons. I recommend you submit this one to memory.
"In the name of Jesus, I declare that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow in heaven, on earth, and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God."
When reading scripture, torment your demons by saying out loud before you start…
“I come against every unclean spirit in me, on me, or around me, and I take authority over you from my position in Christ where I am seated at the right hand of God in the highest heaven. I bind you and command you to stand at full attention and hearken (pronounced “harken” - means to “listen to”) to the sound of my voice as I recite scripture, and be tormented by it IJN.” Now read your bible out loud.
Feel free to modify the prayers to meet your specific needs.
If the above prayers do not produce the desired result, click on the RESOURCES link at the top of this web page, and then click on AUTHORITY PRAYERS. Select an authority prayer (I like the one by Win Worley) and recite it out loud, and then repeat the short prayers above up to 3 times in succession for best results. You may have to repeat the authority prayer from time to time to reassert your authority and put the enemy “under your feet”.
Whenever you are addressing the "enemy" in prayer, it is important to speak the prayers out loud as they are not able to read our thoughts. And speak with authority. I tell people to speak down to them as if one was scolding a child. If they retaliate, it means they are feeling threatened, or are being hurt. Both of those things are GOOD and should be your goal, as long as the attacks are not intolerable. It requires expenditure of energy for them to manifest and doing so weakens them.
Feel free to click on the RESOURCES link at the top of this page and then select WARFARE PRAYERS for more ideas.