Daily Prayer Collection

We occasionally encounter people who tell us they have trouble thinking of things to pray about. They express a desire to spend more time in prayer but they just run out of things to say. Below we have provided a collection of prayer "bites" that can easily be added to anyone's daily prayer routine. They cover a wide range of topics and can be modified to meet your own needs. And of course, we want to add that prayers written by someone else are just as effective as those you come up with on your own when they are spoken from the heart.


1.) Opening Prayer: Heavenly Father, creator of the universe, God of my ancestors, God of Abraham, God of Isaac, God of Jacob, my Lord and my God, my Lord and my God... my Lord and my God....


2.) Holy Spirit fill this home, fill this room, fill my mind, my heart, my emotions, my body, soul and spirit...


3.) Holy Spirit guide my steps, my thoughts, my words and my actions throughout this day.


4.) Daily Confession: Father in heaven, You say in Your Word that if we come to You with a contrite heart that You are faithful and just to forgive us. Father, I do that now. I confess that I have (name your sins). I repent for, and renounce (turn away from) these offenses and all offenses since my last full confession. And now, through Your Son Jesus Christ and in his holy name, I ask for Your forgiveness. Now, having received forgiveness by faith, I thank You Father for Your faithfulness and justice.


5.) Lord, you have shown me that I have been oppressed/afflicted, etc. by a spirit of (name of spirit), but you have said in Your word that if I call on Your name, I shall be delivered. So I am calling on You now to deliver me, in Jesus' name.



6.) Father in heaven, please dispatch Your mighty warrior angels to guard and protect my vehicle(s) wherever they may be at all times, from vandalism, theft, and damage, and to guard and protect my/my family's interests in this neighborhood/residential community etc., my finances, and all areas of my life.


7.) Holy Spirit Morning Prayer: I bind unto myself today the strong name of the Trinity, by invocation of the same. The three in one, and one in three. I bind unto myself today the power of God to hold and lead, His eye to watch, His might to stay, His ear to hearken unto my need. The wisdom of God to teach, His hand to guide, His shield to ward; the word of God to give me speech, His heavenly host to be my guard. I bind unto myself the name, the strong name of the Trinity, the three in one, and one in three, of whom all nature hath creation; Eternal Father, Spirit, Word: Praise to the Lord of my salvation: Salvation is of Christ the Lord.


8.) I dedicate all my works, words, and thoughts today & everyday for the glory of God.


9.) Father in heaven, through Your Son Jesus Christ, I ask for a special blessing, guidance, and protection upon the lives of (names of people) today.


10.) Father in heaven, through Your Son Jesus Christ, I ask for (insert names here) to experience the loving, abiding presence of Your son Jesus Christ in their hearts throughout  their lives.


11.) I yeild to you Lord Jesus Christ. I commit myself to You. I consecrate and dedicate my life to You. Have Your way in me and use me for your glory and honor. I surrender my all to You.


12.) Prayer for those living in condos, apartments, dormitories, etc.: Father in heaven, I pray for friendly relationships with all my neighbors marked by mutual respect for each other. I ask this through Jesus Christ.


13.) Father in heaven, in the name of Jesus Christ, your Son and my God, please give me a love that cannot stumble, so that my lamp can be lit and never go out: Let it burn in me and give light to others.


14.)  Heavenly Father, today I pray for the special intentions of (insert names here).


15.) Father in heaven, I pray that all my paths be made straight and all my endeavors and plans be made to prosper. I pray for Your blessing of abundance over all areas of my life. I ask this through Your Son Jesus Christ.


16.) Prayer to Receive Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Holy Spirit, I ask for your gifts of Prophecy, Word of Wisdom, Word of Knowledge, Faith, Miracles, Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues, Discernment of Spirits, Spirit of Good Counsel, and any other gifts, blessing, graces and anointings that will allow me to accomplish all that you have planned for me today. 


17.) Father in heaven, pour out Thy healing angels, Thy heavenly host upon me, and upon those whom I love. Let me feel the beam of Thy healing angels upon me, the light of Your healing hands. I will let Thy Healing begin, whatever way God grants it. I ask this through Jesus Christ Your Son.


18.) Heavenly Father, I ask you to prepare me for all that you have prepared for me, to use my life and make me a blessing to others, and to let Your holy presence and anointing flow through me to bring Your power, love, and grace to those who need it so desperately. I ask this through Jesus Christ You Son.


19.) I petition heaven to send forth workers to spread the Good News and to reach the lost for Christ. I ask this through Jesus Christ Your Son.


20.) Father in heaven, please send the right person, to the right people, at the right time, to give them the Good News. I ask this through Jesus Christ Your Son.


21.) The Lord bless me and keep me, the Lord make His face to shine upon me and be gracious to me. The Lord lift up His countenance upon me and give me peace. May God put His name on me and bless me now, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (can be used to bless others too) (Numbers 6: 24-26)


22.) Father, I ask that you change my DNA to be completely aligned with You. Position me and help me God to begin to walk in Your fire and remain in Your fire. Father, I want to live in Your fire and operate from Your fire so that Your fire burns continually upon me, through me, under me, and around me so I can operate as an agent of the fire of God, taking it with me wherever I go. I ask this through Jesus Christ Your Son.


23.) Father in heaven, please post an angel in front of my eye gate, ear gate, mouth gate, and all gates to keep out anything that can harm me today. I ask this through Your Son Jesus Christ.


24.) Heavenly Father, I pray for the salvation of all members of my family through Your Son Jesus Christ.


25.) Lord Jesus, not my will, but Yours be done. Use me Lord. Show me what You want me to do, where You want me to go. I will obey Master. I will obey. Help me to always remain in Your will.


26.) Father in heaven, I offer all my pain and suffering today and througout my life for the reparation of my sins through Jesus Christ Your Son.


27.) Holy Spirit, please fill me with Your love, power, grace, and peace, and make me a channel for Your love. I ask this through Jesus Christ.


28.) Fruits of the Spirit: Father in heaven, please release Your spirits of love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, ,and temperance upon me today. I ask this through Your Son Jesus Christ.


29.) The 7-Fold Spirit of God: Father in heaven, please release the Spirit of the Lord, Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Might, Knowledge, and Fear of the Lord upon me today. I ask this through Jesus Christ Your Son.


30.) Father in heaven, I pray for the restoration of the integrity of our country's voting system through Jesus Christ Your Son.


31.) Father in heaven, I ask You to instill in our elected officials a sense of, and commitment to, the Judao-Christian values upon which this country was built. I ask this through Jesus Christ Your Son.


32.) Father in heaven, forgive me for my sins, grant me the grace to forgive others, and keep me from falling into error. I ask this through Jesus Christ Your Son.


33.) Father in heaven, please give me a check in my spirit when I am being (insert name of negative behavior(s) you are trying to stop doing). I ask this through Jesus Christ Your Son.  


34.) Holy Spirit, teach me how to walk in the Spirit. I ask this through Jesus Christ.


35. Heavenly Father, I pray for the conversion of sinners everywhere. I ask this through Jesus Christ.


36.) Heavenly Father, I pray for the safety and protection of persecuted Christians throughout the world. I ask this through Jesus Christ.


37.) Father in heaven, I pray for the end of abortion in this country and throughout the world. That the world would come to acknowledge the sanctity of the life of the unborn. I ask this through Jesus Christ.


38.) Father in heaven, I pray for all those in public office from the president's office all the way down to the state, county and local levels through Your Son Jesus Christ.


39.) Father in heaven, I pray for the ending of ungodly corporate interference in our government at all levels through Jesus Christ Your Son.


40.) Heavenly Father, please grant me health, safety, and a positive attitude today, as well as physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual stability. I ask this through Jesus Christ Your Son.


41.) I pray for the special intentions of all those suffering from (name current major disasters due to weather, earthquake, wars, etc.) and I ask You God heavenly Father, to provide these people with safety, support, food, clothing, shelter, and all the necessities, and release Your spirits of consolation, endurance, perseverance, courage, hope, and faith upon these people. I ask this through Your Son Jesus Christ.


42.) Through Him, with Him, and in Him, O God almighty Father, in unity with the Holy Spirit. All glory and honor are Yours forever and ever. Amen.


43.) My dear Jesus, I want to make You the center of my life. Thank You for all that you are doing with me, for me, through me, and in me. 


44.) Holy Spirit, soul of my soul, I adore you Holy Spirit. Enlighten me, guide me, strengthen me, and console me. 


45.) Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might. Heaven and earth are full of Your glory, Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest.


46.) Praise to You Lord Jesus Christ, king of endless glory.


47.) Lamb of God you take away the sins of the world have mercy on us. Lamb of God you take away the sins of the world receive our prayer. Lamb of God you take away the sins of the world grant us Your peace.


48.) Jesus Christ, Son of God have mercy on me, a sinner.


49.) I bind my mind to the mind of Christ, my will to the will of God, and my feet to the narrow path in Jesus' name.


You can also contact your local church to see if they operate a "Prayer Request Line" or "Prayer Chain" that you can sign up for to receive occational emails with lists of people who have requested intercessory prayer.