Covenant Deliverance
Covenant Deliverance is a unique form of deliverance used extensively by Scott Bitcon in his deliverance ministry. Scott Bitcon is known for his long-time association with well-known exorcist Bob Larsen. Scott served as Bob's head assistant for many years, and it was his responsibility to screen clients coming to Bob Larsen for deliverance. He would interrogate each client's demons to obtain certain key pieces of information to be used later by Bob Larsen to cast them out. 


In very simple terms, a Covenant Deliverance goes like this...
1.) The Holy Spirit is called into the room.
2.) The leader approaches the "Throne of God" in prayer and requests that the 1st & 2nd demons of highest authority in the person be bound and escorted to the Courts of Heaven, and that the Courts be convened. 
3.) The leader asks the Court to prepare three judgments, each more severe than the previous one, to be executed on the demons if they fail in any of the eight directives the leader is about to request to be carried out by the demons, the last of which is for them to return to the person, announcing their names as they arrive. Once the demons return and have identified themselves the leader continues.
4.) The leader begins interrogating the demons one at a time asking only for specific information that the Court has ordered them to provide.
 Some examples of the information they are required to reveal are as follows...
        a.) What have you done Spiritually to the call on the client's life?
        b.) What have you done Mentally to the client?
        c.) What have you done Physically to the client?
        d.) What are the lies you have told him/her that he/she has believed?
        e.) What other spirits are you required to tell me about?
5.) If there is any Inner-Healing that needs to be done based on the information given, it is done at this time.
6.) Any legal rights being claimed by the demons are processed at this time.
6.) The head demons are made to command all those under their authority to repair all damage done and restore anything stolen from the client back to its proper place, then the lesser demons are bound to their head demons.
7.) The head demons, now bound to their kingdoms (all those under their authority) are cast out at this time!


The Covenant Deliverance model allows for very specific healing (spiritual & physical) to be realized based on the information provided, as well as providing the client with detailed information about just exactly what his/her demons have been up to.