Courts Of Heaven
The Courts Of Heaven Deliverance model was developed by Robert Henderson, who points out in his books and videos on the topic that scripture is full of language and inferences to an actual court that exists in heaven with God the Father sitting as judge on His judgment seat and His son Jesus assuming the role of attorney for the person. This form of deliverance is recommended to be used only after other deliverance methods have failed to expel stubborn demons. This deliverance model does not involve any direct confrontation with demons whatsoever as it all takes place in the Heavenly Courts up in the 3rd heaven.
A simplified explanation of what occurs in a Courts Of Heaven session are as follows:
During a Courts Of Heaven session the Holy Spirit is called into our presence and the leader approaches the "Throne of God" in prayer asking to be heard in the Courts and that the Courts be convened. The leader then presents the case for the person being prayed for, having prepared it beforehand. The leader will present the complaints against the Devil in terms of how the Devil has been tormenting the person and refusing to leave when commanded to do so during the deliverance session(s). The accuser (the Devil) is called to make his defense. He is given an opportunity to explain his reasons for tormenting the person and refusing to leave. He will typically claim he has legal rights to do what he is doing and will state those rights and why he thinks they are valid. The jury, (the saints serve as jurors) will then render their verdict and the Devil's claims will either be sustained (approved) or dismissed (denied). If the jury decides in favor of the person all activities of the Devil against the person cease immediately, without any confrontation, backlash, or retaliation of any kind. The matter has been decided, it's done! It's finished! No appeals!
In my own experience with this model the person is able to hear the charges made against them by the accusor (the Devil), there is silence while Jesus represents the person before the court. The person is able to hear the verdict. If there are generational rights, unforgiveness, or anything else that is giving the Devil legal rights, then those things will need to be dealt with before a favorable judgment can be obtained. As long as the Devil has legal rights to do what he is doing, the jury will have no choice but to render a verdict in his favor.


For further information on this powerful deliverance model click on the link below to view it's creator, Robert Henderson as he appeared on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural program. 


Click here to view Robert Henderson's the full video series on this topic.