Casting Out The Net Deliverance
Casting Out The Net Deliverance (COTN) is a great choice for those who are new to deliverance or who may be interested in a maintenance, or "booster shot" after having received deliverance some time ago. This deliverance model takes its name from its similarity to the way a fisherman casts out a net and just catches whatever swims into it. COTN is a basic form of deliverance in that it does not require any prior interview or questionnaires to be filled out, you simply show up at the session at your appointed time. There are some preliminary prayers that you will recite by repeating them after the leader where you will ask forgiveness for sins and recite various other prayers. The leader will then take over and begin reading out a list of demons (several hundred) that are commonly found in people and command them to come out. If you happen to have one whose name is called out it will make its presence known and attention will then be focused on casting it out. This process will continue until the leader reaches the end of the list. While there are other deliverance models that focus on specific problem areas that are revealed to the minister by the person being prayed for, this particular model just "shakes the tree and catches whatever happens falls off!"
At the option of the person requesting COTN Deliverance, they will be provided with the list of the demons that will be called out. This will give the them an opportunity to review the list and audibly renounce any names of demons that they feel apply to them prior to the event which greatly improves the effectiveness of a COTN Deliverance. The person may also submit their own list to be added to the main list.